
Rafael Cardoso copyright Patricia Breves
Foto: Patricia Breves
Warburg Professorship 2024
Rafael Cardoso, Rio de Janeiro
The Aby Warburg Foundation and the Warburg-Haus are very pleased to announce that Rafael Cardoso, who teaches and researches at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and FU Berlin, is a guest at the Warburg-Haus since the beginning of April! He will live and work at the Warburg-Haus through June. Rafael Cardoso will give his festive Warburg Professorship lecture in May as part of the Warburg-Haus 2024 annual focus topic program, »Dynamics of Form II.«
Rafael Cardoso is an art historian and writer. He received a PhD in art history from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, in 1995. From 1996 to 2012, he taught at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, where he continues to serve as a member of the postgraduate faculty in art history. Since 2012, he has been resident in Berlin, where he is a research associate with the Freie Universität Berlin (Lateinamerika-Institut). He has been a visiting scholar at the Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, and Yale University, New Haven. His work has been funded by the Berliner Senat, the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Capes), the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Brazilian National Library (FBN) and the S. Fischer Stiftung.
He has authored a great many books, essays and articles on Brazilian art and design, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Modernity in Black and White: Art and Image, Race and Identity in Brazil, 1890-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2021). He has also curated major museum exhibitions including, most recently, O olhar germânico na gênese do Brasil (Museu Imperial, Petrópolis, 2022). He co-created and co-authored the television series Arte brasileira quadro a quadro (2018), now embarking on its second season in Brazil, based on his 2008 book. Apart from his academic writing, he has authored four works of fiction, including the historical novel O remanescente (Companhia das Letras, 2016), translated into German as Das Vermächtnis der Seidenraupen (S. Fischer, 2016).
Tuesday, May 14th 2024, 7 pm
»Borrowed Forms, Singular Meanings: Rethinking 19th Century Art from Brazil«