Just published: Political Emotions in the Arts
Mnemosyne. Warburg International Seminar Papers, Volume 7
Politische Emotionen in den Künsten
edited by Philipp Ekardt, Frank Fehrenbach and Cornelia Zumbusch
January 2021, ISBN 978-3-11-071130-1 (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-11-072538-4 (eBook), € [D] 69,95
Languages: German & English
Fear, worry, indignation, hate, contempt as well as trust, hope, compassion, empathy, or sympathy are regarded as both drivers of protest movements and a factor in processes of opinion formation, seem to guarantee the solidarity of political entities, and are responsible for crowd psychology phenomena like coups and revolutions or for the collapse of such movements into terror and horror. This book contributes to current debates surrounding the legitimacy of political emotions by taking a look at the history of art and literature: What iconographies do current politics of emotion draw on, to which long-since coded dramaturgies do social movements adhere, and what familiar narratives of mobilizing or containing political emotions are taken up?
Compiled in the context of the international Warburg seminar Political Emotions in the Arts, this volume goes back to the interdisciplinary sessions held in 2018, in which doctoral candidates and young academics from various fields discussed their work. The seminar was held from October 15 to 18, 2018, at the Warburg-Haus Hamburg, in joint cooperation of Universität Hamburg and the Aby Warburg Foundation.
Neuerscheinungen / Politische Emotionen / Warburg-Kolleg
Bildkarte des Monats: Januar
Fundstücke aus dem Digitalisierungsprojekt »Bildindex zur Politischen Ikonographie«
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Bilder als Akteure des Politischen / Politische Ikonographie