
Just published: Memorial Landscapes. World Images East and West
Mnemosyne. Warburg International Seminar Papers, Volume 6
edited by Uwe Fleckner, Yih-Fen Hua and Shai-Shu Tzeng
December 2020, ISBN 978-3-11-065646-6, € [D] 69,95. English
As an everyday fact and an object of artistic design, landscape is a central category of human experience. Political, social, cartographic, and economic, but also philosophical and aesthetic references define historically changing concepts of landscape, which are considered here from both a Western and Asian perspective. Nature is staged as a space of experience in artworks, and the »memorial landscapes« thus created are examined based on examples of Asian, European, and American painting from the Middle Ages to the modern age. A look is thus taken at aspects of the formation of national and cultural identity, the transnational transfer of concepts of landscape, and political, religious, and legal, as well as medical references.
Compiled in the context of the international Warburg seminar Memorial landscapes. World images East and West, this volume goes back to the sessions held in 2016 and 2017, in which doctoral candidates and young academics discussed their work. The seminar was held in Taipei from September 26 to 30, 2016, and in Hamburg from April 3 to 7, 2017, in joint cooperation of Universität Hamburg / Aby Warburg Foundation, Hamburg, with National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University, Taipei.
- The publication in the Mnemosyne. International Warburg Seminar Papers series
- International Warburg Seminar Memorial Landscapes
- Report on the Warburg Seminar in Taipei, part I, by Isabella Augart (in German)
- Report on the Warburg Seminar in Taipei, part II, by Isabella Augart (in German)
- Memorial Landscapes in Hamburg, report by Li-Chun Lee (in German and Chinese)
Neuerscheinungen / Warburg-Kolleg