
Just published: Migrating Histories of Art. Self-Translations of a Discipline
Volume 19 of the Warburg-Haus Studies
edited by Maria Teresa Costa and Hans Christian Hönes
December 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-048587-5, Euro [D] 69,95
Art historians have frequently been faced with the challenge of writing for an international audience and translating their own work into a foreign language – whether forced by exile, voluntary migration, or simply in order to reach a wider audience.
Migrating Histories of Art aims to study the biographical and academic impact of these self-translations, and how the adoption and processing of foreign-language texts and their corresponding methodologies have been fundamental to the disciplinary discourse of art history. While often creating distinctly „multi-layered“ identities and establishing an international disciplinary discourse, self-translations also fostered the creation of linguistic and methodological hegemonies.